For Apple iPhone users, once the phone needs repairs, they may be reluctant to go to Apple stores or large third-party companies for repairs, because the repair costs in these places are very high.
But according to related reports, Apple recently announced that it is preparing to expand the scope of its independent repair providers and extend the repair plan to “almost all countries where Apple products are sold.” Once the plan is implemented, it means that people near you may soon use Apple’s official parts to repair your phone, which is very convenient and the repair cost will be greatly reduced.

Currently, this kind of repair service is only available in the United States, Canada and Europe. However, later this year, service providers from more countries, including China, will also be able to join the program.
However, the plan to join Apple is more stringent. First of all, repairers interested in participating in the project need to apply in advance. After approval, they can only purchase accessories, such as batteries, screens, and diagnostic tools, from designated channels. In addition, repairers who join the program also need to sign a contract with Apple, after which Apple will have the right to inspect the repair shop and have the right to impose penalties when problems are found.
For users, it is important to note that these repairers can only repair some common problems. If the equipment is seriously faulty, you should go to an Apple authorized service provider for repairs, otherwise you may lose your warranty qualifications.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mobile phone battery